Search by category: environment

Spaces for Consumption

Miles, Steven. SAGE Publications, 2010. VLeBooks. This book theorizes that a post-industrial transformation is underway in which the citizen’s relationship to the contemporary city is being redefined by consumerism,…

The Idea of Home: The Architecture of War and Peace

Holdsworth, Pauline, host. IDEAS (podcast). June 16, 2022. This podcast episode provides an introduction to the history and politics of urbicide. Defined as the deliberate “killing” of a city, the term urbicide is…

Social Media Platforms are Failed Cities

Ourednik, André, Mlynář, Jakub, Mutzner, Nico, and Hamed Alavi. Interactions 28, no. 6 (2021): 62–66. Through a comparison of the internet to the typology of the city, this article argues that social media mimics the…