Understand to prevent: The military contribution to the prevention of violent conflict

Friday 14 June 2024

MCDC (2014). URL: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7f746540f0b6230268f987/20150430-U2P_Main_Web_B5.pdf

This document was made as a collaboration between 23 nations, in response to growing uncertainty about the effectiveness of intervention in post-conflict transformation. The document has two parts, the first is a collection of extensive foundation studies into conflict, violence, and prevention. The second is the development of the Understand to Prevent concept which outlines how the military could be involved in prevention operations. The proposed extension of the role for military forces in prevention would utilise existing military skills as well as proposing the development of more human-centric skills to assist in security operations before the outbreak of violent conflict. In the understand to prevent concept, the military would form a part of a Comprehensive Contact Team that coordinates the different actors in violent conflict prevention. The proposed stages of prevention that the military would be involved in are understand, engage, act and endure and assess. I question whether this role could be undertaken by a non-military group, especially if it requires more human-centric skills. In conclusion, there may be a role for the military in peace operations which focus on preventing violent conflict outbreaks.  

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