Search by tag: space

The Idea of Home: The Architecture of War and Peace

Holdsworth, Pauline, host. IDEAS (podcast). June 16, 2022. This podcast episode provides an introduction to the history and politics of urbicide. Defined as the deliberate “killing” of a city, the term urbicide is…

Social Media Platforms are Failed Cities

Ourednik, André, Mlynář, Jakub, Mutzner, Nico, and Hamed Alavi. Interactions 28, no. 6 (2021): 62–66. Through a comparison of the internet to the typology of the city, this article argues that social media mimics the…

Placemaking and the Future of Cities

Project for Public Spaces (2012) This report is a collaborative effort by the Project for Placemaking and UN-HABITAT to tackle the issues facing public space in the Global South and promote placemaking strategies as a…

Among the Ruins

Berman, Michael. New Internationalist (December 1987). In this article, philosopher Marshall Berman discusses urban blight, not from a scholarly perspective, but from a personal one. He reflects on returning to the…