A Global Sense of Place
Massey, Doreen. Marxism Today 38 (1991): 24-29. In this landmark essay, Massey theorizes sense of place as a global phenomenon, challenging the postmodern notion that sense of place cannot withstand time-space…
Massey, Doreen. Marxism Today 38 (1991): 24-29. In this landmark essay, Massey theorizes sense of place as a global phenomenon, challenging the postmodern notion that sense of place cannot withstand time-space…
Cuhadar, E., & Kampf, R. (2014). International Studies Perspectives, 15(4), 509-524. This article introduces the videogame PeaceMaker which has been used in addressing the Israeli-Palestine conflict. In the first part…
Smith, J. (2017). OxPeace 2017. This podcast is part of the program ‘building peace‘ and it discusses Aegis Trust’s peace education programme in Kigali, Rwanda. Peace activists established a peace memorial museum which…
Harber, C., & Sakade, N. (2009). Journal of Peace Education, 6(2), 171-187. In this article, the authors engage with the concept of peace education. To introduce the importance of encouraging peace education in…
Sandole, D. (2008). In Handbook of conflict analysis and resolution (pp. 170-182). Routledge. This article discusses the role of bilingual education in peacebuilding in Israel. The author conducted ethnographic field…
Stewart, Mary Amanda. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 59, no. 2 (2015): 149-159. In this article, Mary Amanda Stewart reflects on how classroom activities centred around the refugee experience informed her…
Parfitt, Richard. In Musical culture and the spirit of Irish nationalism, 1848–1972. 59-79. Routledge, 2019. In this chapter, Richard Parfitt examines the use of music by different nationalist factions in Ireland…
Somerville, Ian, David Mitchell, and Owen Hargie. In Public relations, society and the generative power of history, pp. 173-189. Routledge, 2019. This article examines the role that the popular Irish sporting…
Auge ́Marc (2009) London: Verso. Marc Augé’s book directly challenges the ways we visualise our reality. He encourages us to think of place and space as something that is different from the straightforward idea we…
Collignon, Sofia, and Wolfgang Rüdig. 2020. The Political Quarterly 91 (2): 422–29. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-923x.12855. The article examines the peacefulness of British elections by reviewing the volume, nature…