A Post-Liberal Peace: Eirenism and the Everyday

Thursday 7 April 2022

Richmond, Oliver P. 2009. Review of International Studies 35, no. 3: 557-580.

This text offers a largely-theoretical conceptualization of “post-liberal peace”, a break from the dominant theory of peace as being the result of top-down, externally imposed systems of democratic political and economic governance. The source focuses on the constructivist notion of peace as a social fact where interactions, relationships, and decisions of actors, as opposed to underlying structures such as a democratic system, are the determining factors in building a sustainable and legitimate peace. While certainly abstract in nature, the article is a suitable starting point for International Relations scholars to begin understanding how existing critical theories can be integrated into the field of Peace Research.

Link: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/review-of-international-studies/article/postliberal-peace-eirenism-and-the-everyday/F8CDA5460A8ADD2479B076F215E336D4 

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