Queer Asylum: US Policies and Responses to Sexual Orientation and Transgendered Persecution

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Oxford, Connie. (2013) In Gender, Migration and Categorisation: Making Distinctions between Migrants in Western Countries, 1945-2010, edited by Marlou Schrover and Deirdre M. Moloney, 127–48. Amsterdam University Press

This article explores legal requirements for transgender people seeking asylum. It is an interesting article to question the extent of how legal systems mirror cultural paradigms, and what space queer voices are enjoying at the moment, with the encouragement to expand the discussion more in the future. As this bibliography has demonstrated, there is a connection between human rights and the success of peacekeeping, it might be important to consider how many perspectives are silenced in the discourse around peace, and whose experiences might therefore be ignored in peacekeeping operations. Expanding further on gender-sensitive approaches in peace studies research might create greater awareness of underrepresented categories and their struggles, and therefore possibly more successful, long-term peacebuilding methods.

URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt6wp7px.7

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