Journalism matters: reporting peace in Cyprus

Monday 7 November 2022

Şahin, Sanem, and Christiana Karayianni. Media, culture & society42, no. 7-8 (2020): 1360-1376.

This article deals simultaneously with journalists’ political and personal orientations and with the challenges that inherently go with reporting on fresh attempts at reaching peace.

What influences the agenda of journalism in places marked by conflicts, such as Cyprus? The authors try to answer this question by analysing the biases of specific journalists and influences as well as the access and power they hold in the context of an ongoing peace process. Journalists in this context are competing to promote certain realities which shape themselves as much as they might shape events. This article indicates that journalists do not only report, but also embody the world and ideas they convey.

All in all, journalists are of key importance in our world, and especially in helping peace happen. Their agency, though limited and constrained, is real and a constant negotiation of identities, which is why this article will be valuable for those interested in the field of journalism of peace.

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