Narratives of Cooperative Ecological Science: The Case of Israel and Jordan

Lia Da Giau
Thursday 14 April 2022

Kosel, S., Teff-Seker, Y., Orenstein, D. E., Groner, E. 2020. In Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 26 (3): 257–269.

The article outlines how cooperation in cross-border ecosystems management can support the peacebuilding process through the case study of Israel and Jordan. After the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty of 1994, both states began to collaborate in the field of ecological research and protection of shared water sources and desert areas. Cooperative ecological science became a tool for sustainable peacebuilding and could contribute to the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals in the region, both from an environmental and social perspective. The authors assess difficulties related to different group identities between the Israeli and Jordanian scientists involved and examines security concerns as well as logistical challenges associated with the implementation of a collaborative environmental research approach in fragile, post-conflict areas.


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