Apartheid ended 29 years ago. How has South Africa changed?

Harris Siderfin
Monday 4 April 2022

Rachel Jones- Photos- Ilvy Njiokiktjien. 2019. National Geographic.

This article, composed of written narratives as well as professional photographs, attempts to capture post-Apartheid South Africa. It examines the positive and negative aspects of “peace” that has followed the end of Apartheid in the early 1990s through a series of images highlighting all walks of daily life. The images and stories included emphasize the continued difficulties facing ethnic minorities continue to face today in South Africa and offer a powerful snapshot into the world of “everyday” peace building. Overall, it is an incredibly fascinating read that offers a slightly less academic window into the study and visualization of peace.

Link: https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/culture-history/2019/04/apartheid-ended-29-years-ago-how-has-south-africa-changed

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